Peter Menzel's "Material World: A Global Family Portrait" is a survey of typical families around the world. Pictured above are 6 statistically average families from Russia, Mali, China, India, Japan and the US, with all of their belongings arranged outside their homes.
More information at PBS
Material World
rejecting green
FB: Would you label what you're working on "green" architecture?
WV: I don't like the word. As a matter of fact, I call it "red architecture," but then people immediately think of communism. But nature is actually red, it's rejecting green. The only reason you see green is because every other color in nature is being accepted, and green is the one that is being rejected. So the color of nature is in the flowers, that's what nature looks like: it's red.
William Katavolos via PIN-UP Magazine
Pia's Plaids

(p.s. colorgram + www collabo in the works)
Not so normal "Flower Holders" made in 1800/50, From the English Staffordshire Pottery Collection at the AIC
Food Preservation by Jihyun Ryou
Jihyun Ryou, Design Academy Eindhoven graduate, did his Master Thesis about food preservation. By accumulating traditional oral knowledge, he looked at a feasible way to bring the knowledge into everyday life.
Save food from the refrigerator
posted on November 26 by DesignAddict

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