Carson Fisk-Vittori and Michael Hunter
April 2nd - May 1st 2010
Wilding: Gardening that returns land to its natural aesthetics, i.e. fallen branches are reinstalled and rocks are re-scattered
Unlaxing: The design of a lifestyle in which work is so satisfying that vacations and retirement become undesirable. “The lilies of the field don’t take vacations.”
-From an essay about Skip Schuckmann in “In The Making - Creative options for Contemporary Art” by Linda Weintraub
Willem de Rooij
“Bouquet V”, 2010
95 different species of flowers,
vase, plinth, text (description of the bouquet)
and list of botanic terms
at Galerie Buchholz
I recently visited The Light Center, a dome shaped meditation center on Black Mountain. I led my friend Myranda there, all I said was that we were going to a magical spot out in nature. Myranda and I fell asleep in the dome to be awoken by some nice people from New York City. Then we walked the labyrinth. After our visit I spoke with a woman who told me that individuals are called to this spot. Many take the pilgrimage and then somehow don't see the sign? It was pretty clear to me but I'll take her word.
A similar event occurred last June when my friend Megan came to Chicago. After visiting Devon Street for snacks and sights and the best optical shop ever we decided to go to the lake. I knew if I drove east we would eventually get there. Not knowing exactly where I was we found ourselves at the Bahai Temple. I knew about the temple but this visit was completely unintentional. We explored around and found ourselves a hidden chamber. It's possible it wasn't hidden or a secret but it was dark and clearly off limits which is what made it good.
About two years ago I embarked on a pretty lame project of collecting colored hand towels. Some sort of process in translating physical pixels or something. I'm not sure where I was going with that, not sure if I knew then which is probably why all the towels were left in my SAIC locker. After I had graduated and subsequently abandoned my locker and the towels, my locker pal Ashley Townsend asked if she could have them. Of course I gave them to her and then she wove this awesome rag rug pictured here in her Chicago apartment.
423 Hallo young lovers in the Tate tea room piece.424 Hallo hallo hallo Mr. McLean's 5 little sculptors sing for you, (piece).439 Drapery work (for interior installations).440 Mixed multimedia piece.442 Big still-life work.443 Larger than life, still-life work.444 The biggest larger, still-life, than life, still-life in the world (piece).445 The smallest still-life in London (work).461 Heh there you with the art in your eyes piece.462 She makes art when she walks piece/work/thing.463 Piece within a piece, piece.464 Piece without a piece, piece.465 The artist as your friendly bore, piece.466 Concealed art as hidden as art, piece.467 Installation for interiors of soft furniture piece/thing/work.