Mike Andrews
Sheila Hicks is a fiber artist known for both her large scale fiber installations, popularized during the 1960's-70's fiber movements, as well as her small notebook size tapestries. Hicks would carry a small tapestry frame in her bag; essentially a sketchbook allowing her to immediately document and process new techniques, ideas, colors, and fibers that she came into contact with during her travels. Andrews approached his tapestries in a similar manner. The titles of his tapestries such as MIA wears Anna Sui for Patagonia, Black Cherry, DJ Dubu, and Proto-Redvine bring to mind a psychedelic image of Sheila and Mike getting their weave on while listening to K-Pop and I think there was a lot of candy and kimchi in the mix.
As a teenager I thought it was cool to wear a rosary around my neck. Now that I've found the even more appropriate Jewish rosary I'm considering introducing it back into my steez.
Available at Golden Age, Chicago and Light Vision Store, New York (web).
I'm starting a new textile company with friend and collaborator Myranda Gillies.
Our products will be available in the coming months.
old favorite

The President’s Gallery at Harold Washington College presents Danger Zoners, December 10 – January 8, 2010.
Work by: Lauren Anderson, Ali Bailey, Loo Bain, Ryan Fenchel, Carson Fisk-Vittori, Erin Foley, George Gittens, Jacob Goodreaux, Geoffrey Hamerlinck, Glenn Hendrick, Peter Hoffman, Caleb Lyons, Carmen Price, Kathryn Scanlan, Pilar Tena, Mike Thibault, Kristen VanDeventer, Philip von Zweck, Nate Wolf and Vanesa Zendejas
Opening Reception: Thursday, December 10 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
President’s Gallery, Harold Washington College
30 East Lake Street, Room 1105
Chicago, IL 60601
Gallery hours:
Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Danger Zoners showcases selected models, assemblages, gifts, collections and video sketches from the artist’s working spaces in the context of a gallery exhibition, revealing the processes and content of their larger bodies of work. Twenty artists are featured with works in a wide range of media including, but not limited to painting, drawing, video, print media, installation, and architecture.
feeling nostalgic
A video still from These Moments by SF artist David Berezin in collaboration with Harsh Patel. Here, At Last is another post card reminiscent video loop by David.
"The bright hues of the plastic-laminate-top tables in this White Castle (right) are the sort that inspired the Memphis designers."
Memphis Objects, Furniture, and Patterns, Richard Horn 1985.
new book recently acquired from High Valley Books Brooklyn, NY.