Shredded Swiss Cheese 10 times fast 18 times
Noah Fisk
Hands Scraping
Richard Serra
Richard Serra and Noah Fisk
Yutaka Sone was up at Oxbow this past week while I was taking a class there. He skied around campus and curated a spontaneous exhibition from midnight to one-am on Friday morning.
Transplant, 1998
"In my father's study in our summer cottage in the Finnish archipelago a certain kind of insect called a Jewelwing always dies in droves over the winter. I find many of their delicate green corpses on the windowsill at the start of each summer. Several of these wings were used to repair a plant whose leaves were the same shape as the insect wings."
Artificial Insemination, 1998
"Very spontaneous: a handful of tadpoles in water all fished out of a rainwater pond, a dinner plate from the cupboard, and a black t-shirt I was wearing at the time. A deliberate scrambling of the iconic scientific image of "when life begins."
She's pretty good, look at some more work here.
New work from the Oriole Collection.
Special thanks to Barry Conner (left) and Johnny Underwood (right) and all the support at the Oriole Mill including Phyllis Bonham and Bethanne Knudson.
...and of course Christy Matson!
Seating outside a cafe in Berlin - joint project by Rainer Spehl and Martino Gamper.
A selection of Timber and found Objects from the streets, 2004.
Tapestries by Christy Matson of stitched-together screenshots from the LucasArts game Loom.
Loomscapes is inspired both by the tradition of tapestry weaving and contemporary video game culture. Each weaving is composed of screen shots taken from LucasArts’ early 1990’s computer game, aptly named LOOM, to create “digital landscapes” that are curiously absent of narrative (unlike the well-known Bayeux Tapestry of France, a 230-foot long cloth made 1066 that depicts the battle of Hastings).
Marco Kane Braunschweiler and Martine Syms
Scott Projects
1542 N. Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL 60608
6-10 pm
Mimosa, a warm, engaging yellow, is the Pantone 2009 Color of the Year. It embodies hopefulness and reassurance in a climate of change.
We are confident and optimistic about the future. Please join us Saturday, January 10th, 2009 for the opening reception where we will be serving mimosas and emitting positive vibes to everyone.
Marco, Martine, and Golden Age
Jim Sanborn Coastline
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Headquarters, Silver Spring, MD
"The wave action demonstrated here is in "real time" which means that a NOAA monitoring station at Woods Hole, Massachusetts transfers instantaneous wave heights via modem to Silver Spring where they are transferred to the wave pool. The wave action is produced by a pneumatic pulse generated by a large blower and computer controlled valve located in the parking garage under the site. The actual waves vary in height from 6 to 24 inches. When they hit the coastline the waves create 12' high surf."
Pantone has announced the color of the year for 2009 will be Mimosa, aka Pantone 14-0848.
"The color yellow exemplifies the warmth and nurturing quality of the sun, properties we as humans are naturally drawn to for reassurance.”
"Mimosa also speaks to enlightenment, as it is a hue that sparks imagination and innovation.”
via aylor
Bless cancelled its participation because of inacceptable working conditions.
The shop was planned to be located in a specially constructed
glasscube ( 2,5 x 2,5 m ).
Only 5 days before the opening, the curators informed Bless
that they decided not to build the cube because of financial
problems. The alternatively offered spaces were entirely
unconvenient for the developed shop concept. It was planned
to cover the windows completely with products, so, while visiting the cube, the visitor would be totally surrounded by them.
A view inside the cube would have been only possible, if a visitor on the inside would have asked to try on one of the products.
good ideas as ideas

Also there was a big printed banner with the real dimensions of the parallel installed wall, covered as well with Bless products, at Raw Management in Berlin.